Sanctuary of Hope (SOH) Young Action Leaders are heading to the South for a Freedom Summer commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.

SOH Young Action Leaders have prepared for this monumental moment in history and are laying a foundation of youth and young adult catalytic leadership for the future. Leaders have gone through several months of preparation that includes reading Patricia Parker’s, “Ella Baker’s Catalytic Leadership”, reading again Imani Perry’s, “South to America”, and watching, “Lowndes County and the Road to Black Power” aimed at elevating young people’s political and electoral power.

This return to the south is slated to be extra meaningful and transformative because they will be documenting and collecting oral history from elders of the civil and voting rights era who organized as youth and young adult leaders. In addition, the multi-generational oral history transfer is not only historic for SOH, but an opportunity to uplift the untold stories of youth and young adult activism that contributed to historic national, regional, and local legislative changes.

SOH and the Young Action Leaders have a goal to raise $5,000 for the Lowndes County Friends of the Civil Rights Movement. To-date, only $1,500 more is needed.

To learn about SOH’s Destinations program and contribute, visit Don’t forget to follow SOH’s hashtag, #SOHFreedomSummer2024 to follow our journey.