The Family Connect program is not always about reunifying youth with family in different states. It is about strengthening and building bonds with family wherever you are.
Paris, like so many young adults across the nation, experienced complications of a strained mother-daughter relationship that most of us know well. Paris decided to leave home and move in with her boyfriend while enrolled in school and working part-time. That decision and situation unraveled quickly as the relationship became unhealthy.
Paris began sleeping in her car for weeks. Growing frustrated and feeling unsafe, she called 211 and received a referral to us. She immediately engaged with her life coach and worked on a plan to reconnect with her father, mother, and siblings. She stayed with family a couple of weeks and moved out again.
Paris along with her life coach charted another course to bond with her mother through mediation. This intervention progressed Paris and her mother towards reunifying.
Paris is immensely proud of the new relationship with her mother, which has given her some relief to stabilize her housing and focus on school. She is scheduled to graduate from college this year. With the support and love from her family, she will continue to strive for excellence.