The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waiting list lottery opened October 17. It will stay open for low-income households until October 30, 2022.
The Section 8 HCV waiting list may not open again for many years. It last opened in 2017 and before that 2004.
This federal rental assistance program helps low-income renters pay a portion, or all of their monthly rent. The HACLA Section 8 HCV operates in the city limits of Los Angeles, CA only.
Interested applicants must:
1. Determine if they meet income qualifications
2. Apply online on
3. Submit required information
4. Wait for waitlist notification and further direction or information by HACLA
There are many locations offering support and assistance to complete the online application. Check with your local government representatives, nonprofits, neighborhood councils, and communities of faith.
Sanctuary of Hope is also offering assistance to young people with completing the online application. Please call or email us to schedule an appointment or drop-in time: or