Program Information and Eligibility Criteria
If you are interested in participating in SOH’s Foster Hope, Hope Connections, Hope Link, Rapid Rehousing, or juvenile prevention and diversion programs or would like to submit a referral:
1. Request program eligibility and criteria information. (Some restrictions may apply based on income and other requirements)
2. Schedule an appointment for an assessment. Assessments are done on Wednesday between the hours of 11 am and 3:30 pm.
3. Prepare for an appointment by bringing documentation
4. For housing services only, complete an application; and for financial assistance (current/active SOH participants only), complete a financial assistance form.
Additionally, the following may be needed at appointment:
Valid Identification
Social Security Card
TB test if it is more than 6 months old*
Homeless Verification
Proof of School Enrollment
Proof of Income
Ward of Court Documentation*
*Required based on program type. Call to confirm if it is needed prior to appointment.
College I Can is open to all youth, ages 16-25 by appointment . College I Can Academies are scheduled quarterly for small cohorts of 10 and are on first come first serve basis. Check website for upcoming dates. Call 323-786-2413 or email for more details.