Media Contact: Janet Denise Kelly, Sanctuary of Hope, 323-786-2413,

Sanctuary of Hope (SOH) is recognizing National Foster Care Awareness Month with an attention-grabbing front yard installation at their Adams center located 4003 W. Adams on the corner of 10th and Adams in Los Angeles.

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The yard showcases twenty images of foster care statistics and advocacy to transform the foster care system around the theme of supporting families and not substituting them. “This yard installation allows us to continue foster care system discourse and its impacts on families, youth, and community,” stated Janet Denise Kelly, Executive Director of Sanctuary of Hope. “As the images were installed, a passerby in a car shouted out ‘Ma’Khia Bryant’ – letting us know that foster care is a topic everyone cares about, especially with the pleas for transformation.”

SOH also recognizes Foster Care Awareness Month with two live virtual podcast conversations, “Faith Matters In The Foster Care System”, May 13 and “Child Welfare Transformation”, May 27 at 11 am on their Facebook page @sanctuaryofhopela.

Sanctuary of Hope (SOH) provides youth development and human services to resilient youth and young adult populations between the ages of 16-25, who are child welfare or justice-involved, unhoused, or low-income in South Los Angeles and the South Bay. The agency has served over 4,000 youth since 2010 through their basic needs, housing, and education support programs.

Yard Images: Mack Enterprises UnlimitedArnetta White Mack

Photo(s): M.c. Harris

Additional photos found here.