Strengthening family relationships can do wonders for any young person who works hard to fulfill his or her purpose in life.  Nathaniel, in Family Connect -Connect LA, is doing just that and even more by following his own arrow forward.

Stable housing made Nathaniel’s life more promising. The SOH Family Connect team helped Nathaniel prep and become interview ready for a job.  Through coaching, he received helpful tips on engaging with employers and  landed a full-time job with a major retailer. 

We salute Nathaniel for tapping into his self-awareness and self-empowerment to thrive. A job is one of many ways to fortify family bonds and advance youth resiliency. We know much more positive outcomes  are in store for him as we work toward establishing more permanent connections and mentors that Nathaniel can rely on for personal growth.

To learn more about Family Connect – Connect LA program, contact Tiana Brown at