Knowing how to navigate the world and experiencing well-being is crucial for young parents and teens. Preparing young parents for parenthood is no easy feat. However, young parents can have an improved quality of life and weather life uncertainties by acquiring the tools and knowledge for resiliency.

Sanctuary of Hope will be hosting “A Conversations on Young Parenting and Well-Being”, a community event to dialogue about protective factors that strengthen vulnerable young parents and lift them out poverty. The conversations will cover a range of topics such as social connectedness, healthy relationships, health care, child care and early childhood education planning, emotional intelligence, self-care, financial stability, and co-parenting.

A Conversations on Young Parenting will be held at Kaiser Permanente, Baldwin Hills-Crenshaw Medical Offices, 3782 Martin Luther King Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90008 on Wednesday, August 29 from 6 – 8:30 pm. This is a free event. Seating is limited. RSVP required. Contact Joey Solomon at for more details.