Covenant of Engagement

On Wednesday, May 13, the Interfaith Summit on Homeless Youth was an exceptional event. We appreciate the diverse turnout of communities of faith, nonprofits, law enforcement, government and government departments, and people who genuinely care about ending youth homelessness.

With your unwavering support, Daniel was able to share the benefits of having housing after experiencing over two years of homelessness. He found a home with Sanctuary of Hope’s supportive housing and strong nurturing support from The RightWay Foundation through their employment and mentoring services. Ending youth homelessness really takes a village of caring adults like you and multitude of touchpoints to help a young person become “Homeless No More!”

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, imparted words of hope and his commitment to end homelessness for all populations. The attendees signed a Covenant of Engagement – a promise to do something towards ending youth homelessness. That can be anything from writing letters for important policy issues affecting youth, supporting a local nonprofit financially or through in-kind giving, or helping to bring awareness.

End youth homelessness? Yes, we can! ‪#‎homelessnomore‬ ‪#‎endyouthhomelessness2020‬
