Sanctuary of Hope had the pleasure of hosting Cuban Embassy delegates Alejandro Garcia Del Toro, Deputy Chief of the Embassy of Cuba and Javier Levy Hernandez, First Secretary of the Cuban Embassy and Religious Affairs for a day of conversation and education. Part of the warm welcome were representatives from California Assembly District 55 and 57, Crenshaw Chamber of Commerce, Black Women for Wellness, Birdies Golf Club, McCarty Memorial Church, LA Grind Coffee and Tea Bar LLC and other local community leaders and residents. The embassy delegates updated the audience on US-Cuba relations, travel, social and economic transformations, and trade.
SOH’s Destinations program is taking 10 fellows on an educational humanitarian mission trip in support of the Cuban people in July to learn about the global intersections of equity by looking at literacy, infant mortality, community care, and education. The fellows will also participate in a community service humanitarian project.