You are cordially invited NOT to attend
Sanctuary of Hope’s 1st Annual
Evening of Fun Harvest Unparty – where you don’t need to do anything, go anywhere, or buy anything
Harvest Party
Date: You set the date
Place and Time: You chose the time and location
Attire: Whatever makes you comfortable
Ticket Price: What your generosity will allow
As an alternative to inviting you to attend an actual party, we’re inviting you to stay home, hangout with family and friends, and consider donating to us what you might have spent on a fun night out.
“I’d give anything not to go!”
$25 Help stock food supplies
$50 Help cover a tutoring session
$75 Provide an emergency housing voucher for the night
$100 Provide academic counseling sessions
$___? Will meet an immediate need of a youth and young adult.
Thank you for your generous support!
Sanctuary of Hope is a nonprofit organization, exempt from Federal taxation under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.