Help Pass AB 17

SOH supporters, we need your advocacy for AB 17, which is a crucial peice of legislation that woud create a state-level program for reduced or free transit pass passes for

Three Decades of McKinney-Vento

July 22 marked the 30th anniversary of the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act. In July 1987, President Reagan signed the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act to combat educational barriers that homeless children and

A Day Of Compassion

Sanctuary of Hope was humbled to be invited by Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office to join over 100 interfaith leaders for a press conference to launch Days of Compassion. Days of

Give $10 Tell 10 Campaign

Sanctuary of Hope (SOH) needs your help to impact of vulnerable youth and young adults and to fill a critical need. SOH has more than doubled the number of

The Long-Term Impact of Housing

The path to housing stability and permanent housing for young people experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity is a coordinated effort between homeless Coordinated Entry Systems and community stakeholders who care

FB Live Welcome Home Delivery

Sometimes, Sanctuary of Hope wants to share how partnerships impacts the lives of youth by giving them a sense of belonging. Partnerships with faith organizations like Holman United Methodist Church