Sanctuary of Hope Uses Front Yard to Activate the Community to Vote and Participate in the Census
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2020 Media Contact:Janet Denise Kelly, Sanctuary of [email protected] Sanctuary of Hope Uses Front Yard to Activate the Community to Vote and Participate in the Census
A Sense of Home
Tiare, SOH’s Hope Connections transitional housing beneficiary, was featured on Fox 11 with the nonprofit A Sense of Home. She was a former foster youth who became homeless after exiting
Gail’s Tips for Suicide Prevention
Suicide is a difficult topic, but it’s too important to ignore, especially during this pandemic. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24.
Overcoming Obstacles of Deportation
Jose had been experiencing homelessness along with his family since the age of 7. Mr. Rodriguez lived in cars, emergency shelters, transitional housing, and downtown Skid Row area. Jose experienced
Hard Work and Determination Pay Off
Jayda, our Hope Link Bridge participant, has demonstrated that hard work and determination pay off. With a history of foster care since birth and managing placements into group homes all
Count Your Blessings Not Your Problems
Never underestimate the power of emotional support. Emotional support can be the catalyst to help young adults achieve their aspirations as in the case of “Jackie” who is thriving because
Thank You Virtual Guests for 10 Years
10 years feels so good! Thank you for joining our virtual party to celebrate 10 years of resiliency last month, a kick-off to year long festivities. The Almighty DJ C.J.
Hope and healing start as youth and young adults approach and cross our red doors. Members of our SOH team assembled for a rendition of the Take 6 #SpreadLove2020Challenge to…
Black Women Leaders of Los Angeles Virtual Town Hall
Did you miss the town hall with four members of the Black Women Leaders of Los Angeles (BWLLA) on ABC7 with Leslie Sykes? BWLLA’s mission is to uplift the voices…
2nd Annual Conversations on Family Instability and Family Reunfication
Thursday, June 25, 10 am PST, join us on FB Live for our 2nd Annual Conversations on Family Instability and Reunification. We are centering the conversation on helping families succeed