Jayda, our Hope Link Bridge participant, has demonstrated that hard work and determination pay off. With a history of foster care since birth and managing placements into group homes all her life, she did let not having anywhere to go or lack of stable housing get in her way of forging a better life for herself.
Initially, Jayda wasn’t too clear on the life she wanted for herself or how to start the roadmap to “adulting”. Through relationship and rapport building, she and her life coach Shanleala mapped out some keys to success that included figuring out the kind of employment that would fit Jayda’s desire to finish college. She applied the recommendations provided in terms of securing employment. Even after a month of rejections and disappointments, she continued to persevere and not lose hope until the big day came – a job at Fedex.
Although her job is nearly 20 miles away in San Fernando Valley, she makes the long trek via public transportation every day and has done so for two months now.
When asked about the roadmap to health and well-being, Jayda said, “Becoming housed has helped me gain stability. I was able to gain employment and attend college. The most important things I look forward to are housing and college”. She also had these words of advice for young adults experiencing homelessness, “Stay strong and take one step at a time – never give up!”