SOH and our youth needs your support Section 8 Vouchersby asking members of the Senate to take action on H.R. 3700, the Housing and Opportunity Through Modernization Act.

The proposed H.R. 3700 includes changes to Section 8(x), the Family Unification Program (FUP), in order to make it a more effective housing resource available to young adults who have been involved with foster care.

Each year, nearly 23,000 young adults age out of foster care. More than one in five youth that age out of foster care will experience homeless within in a year after leaving care and one in four become involved in the justice system within two years of leaving care. The vouchers for youth that have left care provide affordable housing opportunities for young people as they are transitioning to independence. The bill makes the following critical changes to the FUP program:

• Extends the age eligibility for FUP vouchers that serve young adults leaving care from 21 to 24;
• Extends housing assistance for youth receiving the FUP voucher from 18 to 36 months;
• Allows FUP voucher assistance to begin 90 days prior to a young adult leaving foster care (either through emancipation process or aging out), and incorporate the assistance into young adults’ transition plan to reduce lapses in housing;
• Includes language requiring HUD and HHS to issue joint guidance to both PHAs and PWCAs (public child welfare agencies) on how to improve the referral process for the FUP voucher and identify eligible recipients of FUP, align program goals and reduce lapses in housing for young persons that have been involved in foster care; and
• Allows Public Housing Authorities to project-based Family Unification vouchers.

The House passed H.R. 3700 with bipartisan support and no members voting against the legislation. Let’s get the Senate to do the same.