There are occasions where family situations do not pan out as planned. Even with the best of intentions for connection and resolution, young adults sometimes encounter a total family breakdown that leads to a housing crisis.
This was the case for Shawndrea who found herself initially couch surfing between family and friends until the strain on those household relationships became too much to bear and left her without a roof over her head. Through a referral from a friend, Shawndrea was referred to our Hope Connections Center in Hawthorne for access center services where she was connected to vocational training, education opportunities, and employment resources. Shortly after, she enrolled in the transitional housing program to stabilize her housing.
It did not take long for Shawndrea’s transformation. In a short period of time, she landed a job in the billing department of a hospital and is earning a living wage. She feels that everything in life is falling in order and is feeling optimistic because she has a strong support system assisting with achieving her goals.